I have never been or taken part in a demonstration but today I felt the heart of this countries people beat strong. We all very quick to judge and make comments about those who literally have nothing but just imagine have nothing and then placing all your hopes in a Mayor or Government figure that fails to deliver. Hanging onto that hope month on month that you may have a roof over your head, running water and a way to feed your family. All of these simple things that were promised to you by those very people you voted into positions of power.
Every year these residents are lied to by the municipal officials and every year they protest for change….sadly the political officials pockets swell as the poorer get more and more hungry and angry.
Its heartbreaking yet liberating to see such determination and desire to better ones lives in a demonstration.
The people of Kwano, New Horizons and Qolweni Township deserve basic necessities and more importantly they deserve to be heard.
We as Ratepayers need to rally to together to fight the crime and corruption that erodes these basic rights for all the people of Plettenberg Bay.
Account Holder:Plett.Bay Ratepayers Association
Bank: Standard Bank
Branch : Plettenberg Bay 050 714
Account No: 082 604 983