Report on Bitou Disciplinary Actions

Dear Members, The Plett Ratepayers’ Association served a PAIA (Promotion of Access to Information Act) on Bitou for information on disciplinary actions last August to ensure accountability within Bitou Municipality. Although we still have not received all the information we requested, we have enough to report back on. Out of roughly 600 employees, about 60 […]
Oversight Report of Bitou 2022/23 Annual Report

Dear Members, Attached is our review of this year’s Draft 2022/23 Annual Report for Bitou Municipality. The Plett Ratepayers’ Association continues to take an active role in monitoring and evaluating management performance and to demand and ensure responsiveness, openness and accountability from those running our affairs at all levels. We acknowledge that the Finance team […]
Statement on our Plett Ratepayers social media page

At the 25 January Bitou council meeting, an intent to file a motion of no confidence in the mayor, deputy mayor and chief whip was announced. The Plett Ratepayers are very disappointed in Councillor Claude Terblanche of the Bitou Council for his decision to breach the coalition agreement he entered into with the DA, and […]
Suspension of Bitou’s Recycling Service

Dear Members, Many of you have asked when the recycling service will be resumed. We are told the new recycling tender will probably only be awarded in October. Bitou is currently collecting recycled waste and accumulating it at the waste transfer station . Once the new recycling contract is in place, the successful contractor will […]
Update on Municipal Land Disposal

Dear Members, Update on the Municipal Land Disposal Process On Thursday 29 June 2023, the Bitou council convened to consider and decide on their proposed disposal of 17 properties, initially advertised and identified for disposal on 16 March 2023. The community responded with many submissions to the municipality. As stated in an addendum to the council agenda for the […]
Water Restrictions And Safe Drinking Water

Dear Members, Everybody is talking about water restrictions and the safety of our drinking water, so we would like to update you on Bitou’s current situation. A new diesel engine to power the generator at the Keurbooms River extraction point (near Uplands) will be installed soon. The generator is needed during load shedding to power the […]