Applications are submitted on a continuous and ongoing basis to the Municipal Planning Department. Most of these are normal applications for new house building plans, alterations, removal of certain restrictions in the title deeds such as height or boundary restrictions, and some to remove outdated restrictions imposed by the original Township developer, predominantly in Plett South, (such as no flat roofs permitted, no cows or pigs to be kept on the property!)
We monitor as many of these that come to our attention and comment or object to projects that are irregular or those that deviate from by-laws, building codes and standard procedures.
The following are current applications to the Planning Department for which we have either submitted comments or objections, and which we are monitoring:-
- Erf 156 Signal Hill – application for a boutique hotel on Signal Hill (see the separate report circulated recently)
- Timber Shed – application by the Bungalow Restaurant for parking on Timber Shed property which is a Historical Monument site.
- GAP housing between Santini and the N2. Approximately 120 units. This development is awaiting the sourcing of funding.
- Lifestyle Estate/Social housing (GAP) opposite Buco just off the N2. 350 housing units.
And not controversial:-
- Robberg Nature Reserve – installation of a sewer line from the Parking area to join the municipal system outside the Reserve.
- Plett Quarter – Redevelopment of the site on the corner of Marine Way and High Street (Table Restaurant area).
- Social housing (GAP – 120 units). Adjacent to Weldon Kaya (development similar to new housing development proposed near to Santini Village).
- Portion 66, 67 of the farm Brakkloof 443 – A private development between the beach and the Vlei, subdivision into 15 residential units.
An application is being evaluated for the multi-phase development of portion 24 and 29 of the farm Brakkloof 443 (above the Global Village), for approximately 250 residential units, including stand-alone residences, apartments and a retirement village, a hotel, and business zone.
IDP (Integrated Development Plan). A comprehensive recommendation was produced by the Association for the 2020/2021 IDP for submission to Council, in which details of requirements for infrastructure development and maintenance for Ward 2 were tabled. Absolutely no cognizance of this submission, or that of any other Wards’ submissions, was taken for inclusion into the IDP report. This has been queried through the Ward Councillor and directly with the relevant Municipal official concerned, but to no avail. There will be further follow up with the new council.
Draft Zoning Bylaw 2020. A detailed objection with comments/recommendations was submitted early in the year to the Planning Department. The height restrictions, boundary distance restrictions and residential zoning categories were dealt with in our objection and comments/recommendations.
Zoning Bylaw Amendment. An objection was submitted to the Planning Department requesting that the Municipality not withdraw from getting involved in Title Deed Restriction removals that occur with certain applications. An alternative clause was submitted to replace the clause as published in the Amendment issued for public participation.
Erf 156 Signal Hill – Boutique Hotel application. The Association has issued a detailed report on the history and current situation regarding the application for a boutique hotel to bring this to the attention of members and the general public (published in the press as well). Whilst it is necessary for this site to be developed and tidied up, a hotel is not in keeping with the adjacent residential area, nor in keeping with the Title Deed conditions of the Signal Hill public open space, which would be compromised with vehicle and pedestrian traffic generated by the hotel.
GAP Housing. It was the policy of the last Municipal council to develop GAP housing (housing for people with income between R 3 000 and R 22 000 per month who cannot afford or are unable to obtain bond finance) on a number of parcels of land belonging to the Municipality. The development between Santini and the N2 is one such. The vacant land adjacent to the Plett rugby field was also earmarked for this. This latter area has not yet had an application to be rezoned from public open space, so no further development here at present.
The policy (not officially adopted) was to integrate GAP housing throughout Plett on vacant Municipal land (certain parks and public open spaces), and there were discussions (not official nor open) in the administration to short circuit the zoning bylaw by doing away with the requirement for rezoning and subsequent public participation for these properties. This will, no doubt, be reconsidered with the new Council.