WELCOME TO PLETT and ‘The Tale of Two Cities’

The proposed development on Erf 4367 between Shell Ultra City (N2) and Santini Village on Bowtie Drive

In May 2017 notification was received that the Bitou Municipal Planning Tribunal were proposing to rezone and subdivide Erf 4367 to erect 80 single-story units on an erf size of 120m² at the main entrance to Plett. Objectors considered this proposal not to be in the best interests of the Plettenberg Bay.. Unless an aesthetically pleasing development is planned property values will be negatively affected, particularly those adjacent to the development. In addition as Plett is a town relying on tourist trade, consideration must also be given to the first impression visitors behold.

In spite of many objections being submitted to the Municipality, notice has now been served (Notice No. 62/2019 see attached which appeared in What’s New on Thursday 21 February) that Bitou Municipal Planning Tribunal has scheduled a meeting to be held in the Council Chambers on Wednesday 10 April at 09:00 to consider the rezoning, subdivision and departure of Erf 4367.

If you wish to make verbal representation to the Tribunal please submit a written request to Office No. 50 Melville’s Corner for attention of Chris Schlieman or per email to astander@plett.gov.za no less than 14 days prior to the date of the Tribunal meeting.

For ease of reference please find attached the May 2017 “Objections to Bitou Proposed Subdivision and Rezoning of Erf 4367”.

Please communicate directly with the office of Chris Schlieman as per above should you have any questions. Enquiries can be directed to the Department: Strategic Services on 044 501 3324.

Important Note:

No doubt and emotive discussion and in light of our current land/ housing issues one that needs to be treated with a firm yet gentle hand. The real question may not be about development as previous seen but  about who has the money and whos been paid to grease the cogs of that transaction.

The ratepayers continues to stand for what is best for Plettenberg Bay and the Rate Paying residents.

Please Donate to the Ratepayers Warchest to fight the ongoing crime and corruption

Account Holder:Plett.Bay Ratepayers Association
Bank: Standard Bank
Branch : Plettenberg Bay 050 714
Account No: 082 604 983

Word document

31.5.17 Objections to Bitou Proposed Subdivision and Rezoning of Erf 4367

PDF Document

Notice 62.2019 Erf 4367